•  Forms a tough, strong permanent waterproof skin that is adoptable to most surfaces

•  It will bridge gaps and provide a complete air barrier

•  Seals against moisture, gases, corrosion, and particulates, and maintains excellent low temperature flexibility




Category: Tags: , , Product ID: 2441






COCOON 501 is formulated for interior surfacing of masonry, plywood, steel, etc.  COCOON 501 is a liquid polyvinyl chloride coating which can be sprayed on any clean, dry building surface.  Wherever it is sprayed, it forms a tough, strong permanent waterproof skin that is adaptable to most surfaces.  COCOON 501 seals against moisture, gases, corrosion, and particulates, and maintains excellent low temperature flexibility.

Outstanding Features

  • Highly efficient seal for interior applications such as dust-free areas, shower rooms, brewery fermentation rooms and bottling plants, hospital scrub rooms, and natatoriums
  • Provides abrasion resistance, washability, moisture protection, chemical resistance, and bacteria resistance
  • Resists corrosion and surface deterioration caused by acids, oils, fats, greases, and fungi
  • Maintains an effective gas seal coating in controlled atmosphere storage, hyperbaric suites, and fumigation warehouses
  • Effectively seals plenum chambers and ducts in environmental control systems against air loss
  • Bridging characteristics provide a permanent seal around lights, filters, pipe and duct penetrations, and at all ceiling and wall joints


Approximate 1 gallon per 100 sq ft per coat x 4

Container sizes

5 gallon



Sealer type

Polyvinyl Chloride Solution


Preparation and Application

Surface Preparation
All surfaces must be dry, free of dirt, loose debris, oils, grease, or any substance that could interfere with adhesion. Additionally, all surfaces should be modified in a manner to make them as smooth as possible by removing sharp projections and filling gaps and voids

A minimum surface profile of ½mm should be maintained for maximum adhesion. After proper masking, prime the entire sur-face to be coated with Vinyl Bond B, directly from the can, by spray or roller and allow the primer to dry. Close all penetrations through the surface by using a webbing coat. Webbing solution is made by mixing 1 part webbing agent with 3 parts Cocoon 501 to produce a milky, white solution that will support the following coats. Mix ½ gallon of Cocoon Pigment into a 5 gallon can of Cocoon 501 and mix until the color is uniform. Spray apply the mixed Cocoon 501 in multiple overlapping passes until a 20 mil dry film thickness has been achieved. Properly applied, the coating should be free of voids and pinholes. Voids and pinholes must be re-sprayed to achieve a complete seal. Prior to the removal of any protection or equipment, a thorough inspection of the entire area should be completed and all damage or deficiencies must be repaired and re-sprayed. All termination joints should be sealed with a polyurethane sealant.

Recommended Thickness
3 to 5 mils Dry Film Thickness (DFT)

Cocoon Spraying Instructions >

Drying Time

About 5 minutes per coat

Clean up
Equipment may be cleaned with Acetone

Store in a dry area and protect from direct sunlight and freezing. Protect from moisture and foreign materials. Keep container tightly sealed. Shelf life is 2 years from date of manufacture when stored in a factory sealed container between 50ºF (10ºC) and 90ºF (27ºC).

Waste disposal must be in accordance with existing federal, state and local environmental control laws. Incineration is the preferred method of disposal.

Read the container label warning and Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for important health and safety information prior to the use of this product.


For additional information, contact the Andek Technical Department


Technical Data
VOC  254 gms/liter
Moisture Vapor Transmission  0.06 perms ASTM E-96
Tensile Strength 900 psi ASTM D-412
Elongation 170% ASTM D-412
Flexibility at Low Temperature 180 deg. bend @ -30°C ASTM C-711
Shore ‘A’ Hardness 75 degrees ASTM D-2240
Weatherometer (240 hours) 85 gloss ASTM G-23
Viscosity 55 ku ASTM D-446
Total Solids 30% (B.W.); 25% (B.V.) ASTM D-1044
+15°F FTMS 141A (M4293)
Fire Resistance